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International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics;
e-ISSN: 2559-6497

Journal DOI: dx.doi.org/10.17683/ijomam

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The International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics is a peer-reviewed, open-access journal, published four times a year and it is included in SCOPUS, EICompendex, EBSCO, and ProQuest international databases (IDB).

The International Journal of Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics is a publication dedicated to the global advancements of mechatronics and applied mechanics research, development and innovation, providing researchers and practitioners with the occasion to publish papers of excellent theoretical value on applied research. It provides rapid publishing deadlines and it constitutes a place for academics and scholars where they can exchange meaningful information and productive ideas associated with these domains.

The journal provides its readers with critically peer-reviewed, carefully selected articles about advances in the fields of mechatronics and applied mechanics and target a wide range of audiences interested in Mechatronics and Applied Mechanics all around the world.

Topics cover the following areas:

Mechatronics, with the following sub-areas:

  • Robotics and Automation  
  • Measurement Systems and Image Processing     
  • Mechatronic Systems and Manufacturing Processes
  • Electronics and Cyber-Physical Systems

Applied Mechanics, with the following sub-areas:

  • Materials Science,
  • Structural Mechanics,
  • Fluid Mechanics,
  • Technology of Measurement and Instrumentation.

Artificial Intelligence.